People Projects
There is a way to increase productivity and employee engagement. In the short term we can work on Goal Setting by using data, OKRs and/or KPI’s. Then we move on to Performance Management. For the long term you will need People Business Partners so we train your People Team to connect Business Strategy and People and use HR analytics to their advantage. You will also need great leaders so without a Leadership Development Program it’s not going to work. Some of these you might already have in place, but let’s optimise and connect everything in order to make an impact.
For you?
To all CEO’s, Founders, Investors, Executive Leaders and People & Culture Leaders. Check out if your recognise one of the challenges you see here and let’s connect.
Do you know these times where people are being promoted into a management role, but then you realise they were really good in their previous role, but this doesn’t really work for them? You suddenly have underperformers that are not managed well, people don’t feel comfortable with their new managers and productivity is dereasing.
What do you do? Exactly, let’s figure it out together! -
The People Team has great ideas, but when implementing projects it somehow doesn’t work well. Some people love it, but a lot of people are either not using it of stop using it over time.
What’s going on here? Let’s discuss and see how we can improve on this. -
One of the most difficult topics for People Teams is Performance Management. It seems that you can never make people happy with this, whatever you try.
Let’s see how we can get to closest to people enjoying performance management instead of seeing it as only something that will affect their compensation.
We have a really good training setup, but somehow it doesn’t work well and we don’t see leaders developing at the pace we expected them to develop.
What else can we do? What do we need to change? Let’s discuss!
The market is changing quickly and you need to adapt. This means that sometimes you need to change roles or ways of working or even make a change in the organisational structure.
Let’s sit down, see where we are now, where we want to get to and how to do this. Your Next Chapter will help setting up a change plan that works.
Somehow you see a lot of high performers walking away lately. Even though they got promoted or got another great opportunity.
What are they missing, what is the reason they leave? Let’s work on a retention program.
You would love the people to become more productive, but somehow they are complaining about the amount of work they are having.
You have the feeling that the workload isn’t to high, but they are still experiencing lots of pressure.Something is wrong here, let’s figure out what it is and how we can change this around.
What we will work on
In order to create high performing teams and maximise productivity you need two things and everything mentioned here will support these:
The Bigger Picture - explained very well and it needs to be clear for every individual how they are contributing to this.
A Trust and Safe environment - where people collaborate and communicate well and where they are allowed to make mistakes in order to continuously learn and develop.
Setting up a process that works for your People, not just for HR. Together, we will implement an (improved) process that finds the right balance between being results driven and staying human in what we do. Saving time, working more efficiently and showing clear results.
It’s time to develop your leaders. Let them be independent and make an impact by having the right conversations at the right time. Together we setup a program to continuously develop your leaders and limit the number of problems to solve by your People teams.
You didn’t hear about AI or ChatGPT? Wake up! No, it’s not something that will come our way, it’s already there! It can make you work more efficiently. You can let it take over part of your jobs or you can adjust now and use it in your advantage by reshaping roles and ways of working.
The value of data. Nowadays, all organisations have data collected, some more than others, but it’s not always seen as a cost saver. Did you know that you could save money by using data in the right way? It’s time for people to understand how data helps.
Focus, focus, focus. No distractions, that would be the dream, right? You will come very far if you start implementing KPI’s and maybe even OKRs to achieve your goals but also to show how every individual or team contributes to this. Let’s work on efficiency.
It all begins with growth mindsets where people actually like the idea of improving their skills. How do we get here? By building a safe environment for all of your people and where sharing positive and constructive feedback becomes part of your daily life.